Latest Blogs from Mohawk Computers
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Protect your company with security solutions from Microsoft
Every company needs to have an up-to-date security strategy. Especially small businesses. Want to secure your customers’ sensitive data? We’ve got you covered.
Contact our team at Mohawk Computers to learn how we can build your customers’ defense strategy with sophisticated phishing and ransomware protection.
Customer story: Jack’s Diving Locker
Did you know that technology is helping to protect and save our oceans? With #cloud security and communication tools, @JacksDiveLocker has exponentially increased their outreach and education efforts to keep our oceans healthy and thriving.
Want to see how the latest #security tools can help grow your business? Contact our team at Mohawk Computers to get started today!
Microsoft IT Showcase
It’s not every day you can consult the best technical minds in your industry. If you could, what would you ask them about how your industry is changing to accommodate the modern digital landscape?
Microsoft IT Showcase lets you get inside the mind of some of the best experts in technology. Equip yourself and your organization with the resources you need to inform your critical IT decisions.
Discover the inside story of Microsoft IT and learn how Mohawk Computers can help you do the same. Contact us to find out how our experts can help you prepare for the changes in your industry.
Every company is a software company
The landscape of every industry is changing whether your business is ready or not. It’s up to you to prepare your business to meet the demands of modern industry, and that preparation begins with how you think of your own future as a digital company.
Whether you’re looking for a complete, intelligent solution for your business or the tools needed to take your organization to the next level, Microsoft and Mohawk Computers have you covered.
We want to know how your business is preparing for the changes in your industry. Contact us to find out more information on how we can help.
Digital transformation: The three steps to success
Digital transformation can mean big changes for your organization. Along with the benefits of a digital transformation, you need to understand how your business will adapt to changing times.
Everything from the leadership style to the cultural Trojan horse, you should know what the challenges will be. Microsoft can help you address those changes and enable you to harness the power of technology to help reduce the complexity of managing a modern digital environment.
Where is your business in the digital transformation journey? Let Microsoft and Mohawk Computers help you find your way.
Digital transformation with Microsoft
Technology enables us to reach impossible goals and disrupt the landscape of our industries. Harnessing that tech is another story. If you find your business isn’t embracing digital transformation, then it might be time to seek outside help.
We know technology is only useful if it helps you engage customers, empower employees, and reinvent businesses. That’s why at Mohawk Computers, we want to help you find the right solutions to meet your needs and transform your business.
Contact us today to find out more. It’s time you unlocked the possibilities of a digital transformation.