
Latest Blogs from Mohawk Computers


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Gadget freak? Love to cook? Check out this site

You love cooking. You adore gadgets. If only there was a Web site combining both of your passions. You know what? There is. It’s known as The Sweethome, and you can find it online at The website, as its name suggests, provides tips on how...

Turning off the tech: Good for your productivity?

Our gadgets make life easier. Now you can get the address of that new Indian restaurant with your cell phone. You can instantly tell all your friends of your new promotion through Twitter and Facebook. If you don’t have time to watch the news, you can read it on the...

You don’t have to be a luddite to turn off the tech

Can you imagine daily life without your tablet? How about without your laptop or smartphone? How about a day lacking an online game of Words with Friends? Technology has dramatically changed our everyday life. We now get our news online, connect with friends through...