
Latest Blogs from Mohawk Computers


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You don’t have to be a luddite to turn off the tech

Can you imagine daily life without your tablet? How about without your laptop or smartphone? How about a day lacking an online game of Words with Friends? Technology has dramatically changed our everyday life. We now get our news online, connect with friends through...

The challenges of Bitcoin payments

Bitcoins are becoming a popular way for individuals to purchase goods and services online. The question, though, is if your business should accept this virtual currency. Entrepreneur Magazine recently took a look at this issue. Here are the key things they discussed...

The best way to stay in power? Try these battery packs

It's happened to everybody. You're on vacation or far from home when your phone, laptop or tablet begins to run out of juice. Thank goodness, you are able to stop this from happening by plugging your devices into external battery packs, a single gizmo that can charge...