
Latest Blogs from Mohawk Computers


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Hackers love the iPhone

Mobile devices have always been often considered as more safe. Desktop and laptops, the reasoning goes, are way more susceptible to hackers and cyber criminals. That’s true to a certain extent. But hackers are clever enough these days to compromise tablets and...

Not all LCD computer monitors are created equal

Is it time for you to upgrade your LCD computer monitor? Guess what? It's not as simple a process as you may think. This is because not all LCD monitors are the same. Some respond quicker. Others do a better job reproducing colors. And, of course, some are simply...

Phone passcodes are far from hacker-proof

You secure your smart phone with a passcode that you need to enter before it springs to life. But just how much protection will this passcode actually give you? The disturbing answer? Not nearly enough, according to a recent story by the tech Web site Lifehacker. The...

Protecting your privacy doesn’t have to be hard

In the era of Facebook and Twitter, you may think that privacy is a thing of the past. However it doesn't need to be. In fact, Forbes recently ran a story detailing some simple steps you can take to increase your privacy in the Internet era. If you don't take these...