
Latest Blogs from Mohawk Computers


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Clean Up Your Desk to Work More Efficiently

Clutter can build up on your desk quickly. It can get in the way of your work if you must move papers simply to reach your mouse. What about under your desk? Do your feet get tangled in a mess of cords? If this describes you, here's a few tips to help your get your...

Laptop Hunting Tips

When you are shopping for a new laptop, what do take into account? Writer Sam Grobart for the New York Times recently wrote an article with some tips for you. One of the primary things that Grobart suggests is to pay attention to the graphics card instead of the...

Holograms: Will Apple Do It Right

Remember when tablet computers seemed like the stuff of science fiction? Or how about smart phones? There was a time when phones that allowed you to surf the Web and send e-mail messages sounded like the technology of the future. Now these are the technologies of the...

Windows 8 Transition Tips

Windows 8 looks distinct from any of the systems that have come before it. And, generally, the reviews have been positive. If you are prepared to upgrade to the new system, here are some strategies to ensure the transition goes smoothly. If you would like more tips,...

You Can Google Better

You have been using Google for years, and you know how to use it, right? You generally find what you are searching for, right? Maybe not, there are some tricks you might use to make your Googling skills more effective and efficient. After learning about some of these...