Latest Blogs from Mohawk Computers
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Neat Features of Windows 8
Windows 8 only recently hit the market and the tech press has already given it a test drive. Some of them have published their findings online. This is great for the general public, as it gives them an opportunity to learn the ins and outs of the new operating system....
It’s Time to Disable Java on Your Computer
You may not realize this but one of the easiest ways to protect your computers from hackers is to turn off Java, software that runs interactive functions on web pages. Java has developed the reputation for being a backdoor for hackers to get into your system, for...
Eliminate Online Distractions with these Chrome Extensions
We understand: You sit looking at your computer all day long, typing reports, answering email messages, and creating presentations. It's difficult to resist the temptation to run over to to catch up on the most recent celebrity gossip. But all of the side...
Make Your Computing Life Easier: Two Tricks
Let's be honest: Computer users today need all the help they can get, whatever makes their lives easier. You have to appreciate that. This is exactly why we're happy to point you to a pair of helpful hacks that can remove at least some stress from your busy days....
Which Technology is Best for You
As technology moves faster and faster, bigger and better mobile devices emerge. It wasn’t long ago that tablets were introduced; now they are seen everyday. And most individuals in the business world have smartphones. As these newer, more robust tablets and...
Business Travel Tools
When you are traveling for business, it can be difficult to be as productive as you are in the office. The Internet connection at the hotel can be unpredictable, and it can be tough to stay on top of your email when you are in business meetings or traveling from one...