
Latest Blogs from Mohawk Computers


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Screen ADD: What It Is And How To Fight It

Do you suffer from computer-screen attention deficit disorder? Here are some symptoms: You have five Internet Explorer tabs open at once. You're working on three Word documents simultaneously, and you are fiddling with two open spreadsheets, too. Basically, you are...

Military Technologies That Could Change Our World

The military develops new technology constantly. And some of their more recent innovations may impact life as we know it more then you might realize. Here are a few interesting things they have recently developed. The laser gun You probably never imagined we would see...

Living Forever: You Might Get Your Chance

Have you ever seriously considered the implications of living forever? Would you want to if it were feasible? Well, according to scientist and author Ray Kurzweil, these questions may become more relevant in the near future. He predicts that we may identify the key to...

Apps to Aid You During and Emergency

These are hazardous times. Nature is unleashing droughts and record-setting high temperatures. It seems like a new tornado is ripping through the Midwest every day. And those are just the big emergencies. Suppose you lock yourself out of your car when your toddler's...

File Sharing Made Easy With Bump

Thanks to social media sites like Twitter and Facebook, sharing pictures and info has become easier than ever. Still, people are seeking even more simple ways to share stuff. In response to this need, iTunes offers the Bump app. No more emails With Bump, you will not...