by Mohawk Computers | Mar 23, 2012 | IT Services
You have probably heard of nanotechnology, but perhaps have almost no idea as to what it’s about and how it pertains to you. Nanotechnology makes life easier for all of us; it’s not simply the stuff of science fiction. Essentially, nanotechnology is the...
by Mohawk Computers | Mar 21, 2012 | IT Services
We are all aware there are big problems in the world today; debt crises, illiteracy, global warming, are just a few. Google has developed a team to come up with radical ideas to find answers to the world’s biggest problems, and they call the project “Solve...
by Mohawk Computers | Mar 16, 2012 | IT Services
Do your employees communicate their ideas to you? Do they ever have options about their own jobs, or ways they think the business could be more efficient? If not, then you might be operating a workplace in which employee creativity is being squelched. Today a lack of...
by Mohawk Computers | Mar 14, 2012 | IT Services
Are you burned out on social media? Then you won’t be pleased to hear that a new social media site is gaining traction. However, you might be interested to know that this new site, Pinterest, doesn’t concentrate on the minutiae of day-to-day living as...
by Mohawk Computers | Mar 9, 2012 | IT Services
Putting your best foot forward in life makes a difference, especially in the workplace. Hooking a career is much more difficult now then ever, so it is more important than ever to dress for success. That’s right. What you wear to work and to job interviews still...
by Mohawk Computers | Mar 7, 2012 | IT Services
So now you are on Twitter, and you follow your friends and family, but you are tired of hearing about the newest restaurant your sister went to. You want to hear more interesting and worldly information. Almost all of us have a Twitter account these days including...