
Latest Blogs from Mohawk Computers


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More Communication, Fewer Manners

It seems like manners have gone out the window in this age of connectivity. In social situations, we are competing with smartphones and tablets for the attention of our associates. We see unintentional rudeness occurring due to devices all the time. Below are some...

Tips on how to network

We all network, every day. At its base level, networking is simply communicating with someone in an effective way. Whether it’s a conversation at the water cooler or at a business event, knowing how to effectively network is an important skill for anyone growing...

Change in Service: A Lesson Learned

Sometimes companies have to alter the way they do business and change their service plans. As these changes often center around a price increase, new limitations, or dismissal of services altogether, customers can have a negative reaction to the news. For some...

Bad office habits part 2

    We’ve talked about how easy it is to get distracted while working with the Internet at your fingertips. The Internet is one of the greatest technological advancements of the past 30 years, but workers have been getting distracted in the office...

Full Access: Changes in the Entertainment Industries

Entertainment industries have had to evolve in the past few years as we have gained more access to music, movies and television from online sources. Physical stores are disappearing as these businesses open online stores. Examples of these are Blockbuster, Borders,...

The Influence of the Tablet

Technology is consistently changing our lives. It happens so rapidly and seamlessly that we hardly notice.   It wasn’t long ago that stores used a manual machine to make a carbon imprint of your credit card when you made a purchases. Those machines are...