by Mohawk Computers | Feb 20, 2013 | IT Services
There was a point in time when e-mail was considered cutting-edge tech. Before that, businesses were considered tech-savvy if they had their own fax machines. Technology, though, is constantly evolving. What companies needed three years ago is nowhere near what they...
by Mohawk Computers | Jan 16, 2013 | IT Services
Looking for that perfect tablet? You have an abundance of options today, from the classic iPad to the upstart Galaxy tablets. But which device is really the best to buy? Which gives you top effectiveness at a reasonable price? And, this being tablets we’re...
by Mohawk Computers | Jan 10, 2013 | IT Services
Business Insider recently ran an interesting look at the way the Internet works. It’s a fascinating article because so many of us are dependent upon the internet in such a short period of time. Most people don’t really know how this massive communications...
by Mohawk Computers | Jan 10, 2013 | IT Services
If you work inside an office, you may unknowingly be in for health difficulties. According to a recent story by NPR, individuals who spend too much time sitting during the week face a much greater potential for heart related illnesses than do individuals who are more...
by Mohawk Computers | Jan 3, 2013 | IT Services
Excel is a must-have software program, whether you’re using your laptop at home or the desktop in your office. With Excel, you are able to quickly determine whether you’re pulling in enough income to pay for your mortgage bill this month. You can instantly...
by Mohawk Computers | Jan 2, 2013 | IT Services
Technology is advancing rapidly. So it will be little surprise that 2012 will go down as a year that saw technology firm up its hold on the imagination with the U.S. public. Everything from the way the election was covered to the way consumers tackled their holiday...