
Latest Blogs from Mohawk Computers


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Time Saving Shortcuts in Gmail

Gmail is one of the most favored email clients out there. It’s simple to use and powerful. If you are among the numerous people who use Gmail, prehaps you are not using it as efficiently as you could. You most likely don’t realize this but Gmail has a...

The Constantly Changing Face of Technology

If you were a child when the Atari 64 came out, you were likely impressed by the graphics. Then Mattel released the Intellivision, and by comparison, the Atari’s graphics were outdated. Every time a new video game system was released it managed to trump the last...

Manage Your Employees the Smart Way with These 3 Apps

Starting a new business is no easy task. It's why so many businesses fail in their start-up years. Nonetheless, you can give yourself an edge in at least one area – the way you manage people. We've listed several apps for managing employees below. By using these...

You May Not Need Antivirus Software for Your Phone

Antivirus software has taken a beating recently in the news, mostly as it has struggled to identify and contain a few of the bigger malware attacks recently. Antivirus Not Necessary on Smartphones? There has also been a realization recently that individuals who do...