
Latest Blogs from Mohawk Computers


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The Constantly Changing Face of Technology

If you were a child when the Atari 64 came out, you were likely impressed by the graphics. Then Mattel released the Intellivision, and by comparison, the Atari’s graphics were outdated. Every time a new video game system was released it managed to trump the last...

Manage Your Employees the Smart Way with These 3 Apps

Starting a new business is no easy task. It's why so many businesses fail in their start-up years. Nonetheless, you can give yourself an edge in at least one area – the way you manage people. We've listed several apps for managing employees below. By using these...

You May Not Need Antivirus Software for Your Phone

Antivirus software has taken a beating recently in the news, mostly as it has struggled to identify and contain a few of the bigger malware attacks recently. Antivirus Not Necessary on Smartphones? There has also been a realization recently that individuals who do...

File Sharing Programs

Have you ever attempted to send a large file only to find that it was too big for email? A lot of people have. That is why we have compiled the four most popular file-sharing programs below. Hopefully this makes your life a little easier. YouSendIt YouSendIt is a...