
Latest Blogs from Mohawk Computers


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3 Tricks Every Microsoft Outlook User Should Know

We usually tend to take Microsoft Outlook for granted. In fact, we've been using this program to read email messages and manage our schedules for many years now. Nonetheless, Microsoft Outlook is a remarkably powerful program. If you want to make the most out of it,...

What You Need to Know About Data Security

When it comes to data security, you might think you have enough safeguards set up to defend your small business. After all, you most likely regularly update your antivirus software and other security protocols as well. And it's not as if you're a large organization...

Part 2: Improving the Culture Within Your Company

Earlier this week we explained the reasons why your company’s culture influences your brand. A balanced company culture will have a very beneficial effect on your daily operations and the way the average person views your company. Measuring the cultural health...

The Importance of a Healthy Company Culture: Part 1

Strategy is usually at the forefront of a company’s focus. Strategy is not the only thing which makes a company successful. Culture also plays a vital role. The culture of your company impacts your branding, your marketing success, and daily operations, all of...

Online Invoicing the Easy Way

You launched your own catering business because you love to cook. You went into the bakery business to sell pastries and cakes. You didn't open your own landscaping company because you love paperwork. Yet to be a prosperous small business owner, you cannot disregard...

Can a real-time threat feed really discourage cyber crime

It looks as if Microsoft is ready to do its part to discourage cyber crimes. Microsoft intends to offer real-time feeds that partners can use to analyze potential cyber threats and take the appropriate steps to bolster their defenses against these attacks. Microsoft...